Praying Monique, Junior and Frantz - HOME! |
So... for those who are not on Facebook and follow us here... There is a glitch, imagine that!
You know that "gut" feeling you get or that someone you know gets? That feeling they won't let go of and you get frustrated when they are right?? Well, I get those feelings and it is unfortunate that this time I was not wrong. For a while I felt like our file isn't being looked at, it is sitting there and what if there is something not right with it, this will add more time. "Really feel like they will find something isn't right with our file." We tried for weeks to get someone to look at the file. "Please be informed that your adoption dossiers are still pending as we are in the process of performing the required necessary administrative processing." This is the response we received time after time when we inquired about our case.
Last week was a last straw, the anxiety of knowing in my heart something wasn't right and that time was just passing by day after day leaving our children with the unmet need of a forever family, it just became overwhelming. So, we sent some emails, made some calls, we could have said a few things in a nicer way but we really have no regrets. Our kids are more important than being sure we said the most politically correct words. The point is they were not doing their job and our kids are paying the cost. Here is where we know we are. We have an issue with a document for Junior and the same document for Frantz. How they have Monique's and not theirs we are not sure. This document has to be re-done according to the embassy, they will not accept the "found" version. "In order for their cases to move forward a valid (new) Extrait must be obtained from the Tribunal de Paix in Mirebalais." We do not know the time frame this puts on our process.
Where does that leave us really? Heartbroken, desperate for God to show us He is right here with us, holding us, and fundraising! We are still needing some funds to finish paying the orphanage and then if this process continues to drag out we would like for one of us to go to Haiti and live with the children until which time they can be granted visas to come home. We had already begun the research of places to stay, cost, would it help to be there everyday, etc... Yes, we have peace.
We are guessing Satan just needed to be reminded we serve a mighty God who called us for such a time as this, we gather our strength and wisdom from Him, He guides our paths and with Him we will never stop fighting for our children or anything else God calls us to.
Thank you for standing with us in prayer, financially and any other way you have continued to support us. We appreciate every ounce of support, every ounce.
Resting faithfully in His arms,
Steve, Melanie, Amanda, Joshua, Monique, Junior and Frantz